Dick’s Last Resort


Dick’s Last Resort

Located in the vibrant town of Pigeon Forge, Dicks Last Resort offers a unique dining experience with humor, delicious American comfort food, and a lively atmosphere that will leave guests entertained and satisfied.

Listing Information

Dick’s Last Resort

Dick’s Last Resort

Dick’s Last Resort in Pigeon Forge is not your average dining establishment; it’s an experience that’s as memorable as it is unconventional. Nestled in the heart of this vibrant town, Dick’s Last Resort is renowned for its unique approach to service and its commitment to providing guests with a hearty dose of humor along with their meal.

Upon entering Dick’s Last Resort, visitors are greeted by an atmosphere that can only be described as lively and irreverent. The decor is filled with cheeky and humorous signage, setting the tone for a dining experience that promises more than just delicious food. The waitstaff, known for their sassy and comical demeanor, add a layer of entertainment to the meal, creating an environment where laughter is as much on the menu as the food itself.

The menu at Dick’s Last Resort features a variety of American comfort foods, from mouthwatering burgers to finger-licking barbecue. The portions are generous, and the flavors are designed to satisfy even the heartiest appetite. Guests are encouraged to embrace the laid-back atmosphere, and the staff often playfully “insults” diners by placing large paper hats with humorous messages on their heads, adding a playful touch to the overall experience.

Whether you’re a local looking for a one-of-a-kind dining adventure or a visitor seeking a restaurant that goes beyond the ordinary, Dick’s Last Resort in Pigeon Forge delivers a memorable and entertaining dining experience that combines good food, humor, and a relaxed atmosphere.